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8 Track Journal
Saturday, 29 February 2020

Long time no blog, but I figure no one wants to hear about me finding lots of country and classical tapes or machines that are stuck on program 4 and not worth a second glance which is too bad since it was a nice Sears portable, that being said today I found a beautiful low-fi SoundDesign player that brings back memories of one of those all in one TV/phonograph/radio consoles that use to be placed predominately in most of those gracious living homes in the mid 1970's. This baby plays cassettes 8 tracks and the radio and with the matching speakers will accent any mid century abode.

Posted by gregg-n at 12:18 PM PST

Friday, 10 April 2020 - 1:44 PM PDT

Name: "John"

It's been a while since I read your blog, but COVID-19 inspired me to hunt around at some old sites I haven't visited.  Thanks for keeping it active!


Saturday, 11 April 2020 - 4:37 PM PDT

Name: "anonymous"

One the plus side this plague gives me time to post but on the other hand it's going to take a while for the estate sales to start up with all the social distancing.

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