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8 Track Journal
Thursday, 27 August 2020

Columbia House is known for its rare and hard to find 8 track tapes and I think I found one, keep in mind that just because is is rare doesn't necessary mean that anyone wants it, so I present to you Symphony On Wheels, each track has a different writer and I'm not sure if they are the performers or it's a studio band, either way it's a fun cash in on the very short fad of roller disco music, I challenge anyone to name a single famous band exclusively to the genre.

The sound is very period and is less disco sound than 1970's cop show chase music combined with a dusting of blauxploitation and if you don't like this review you can write your own but remember I said is was a rare tape and I haven't seen a single reference of on Google so I guess you'll have to take my word for it.

Posted by gregg-n at 7:02 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 27 August 2020 3:52 PM PDT

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