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8 Track Journal
Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Let's talk about 8 track soundalike bands, not to be confused with those nasty bootlegs where a person tapes an album on a tape and slaps a cheap label on it to sell at a truck stop, I'm talking about tapes where the company hires a band to crank out tapes of music that was popular at that time and actually hires a band to play them. Makes you wonder if these were taking away K-tel’s business or trying to bypass the laws by them by selling them in the US (K-tel is a Canadian company). 

 Some of these are incredible simulations the way Beatlemania sounded before Legends In Concert picked up the ball and ran with the concept. These are a guilty pleasure of mine since firstly, they hearken back to a time when 8 track tapes were fun and quirky before they became expensive collectibles (never pay more than $4 for one of these). Also some of the bands do a great job getting the sound down and even Sexy Thing on the Convoy tape (A tape with a photo of a cheap plastic toy truck on the cover) sounds better than the original in my estimation. They're also a relic since now if anyone tried to put out something like this the royalties per song would destroy any profit margin.


Posted by gregg-n at 1:20 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 2 March 2021 6:46 AM PST

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