Finally a good sale, this one was listed in the paper as "Grandpa's 8 track collection for sale", and it was filled with lots of players with brands I've never heard of with phonographs built into them. I grabbed two of them that played quads, I can count the number of quad tapes I have on one hand but am a sucker for all the crazy dials that look like a WW2 submarine on them. One is made by Sanyo and the other is Panasonic, I'm more into the Sanyo since it has a 2 prong phono jack and I'm just too lazy to hookup 4 speakers but have no problem with 4 speaker headphones.
Next was a Panasonic pump in blue, I once had a blue pump over 20 years ago that I dropped of to be cleaned at a shop and two days later it was closed with all the merchandise and fixtures completely gone. It's good to have one back, also a Weltron space helmet missing the battery cover (anyone got one for sale or tape trade). Then a big ole box of classic rock tapes with a few gems like The Ramones and George Harrison's bad moog album.
I went back the next day for a few more and the lady told me she gave me a deal on the 70s players because a guy who called up there also wanted them and kept badgering her and lowballing her so when he show up mins after I got there quickly offered me them for $20 so she could tell him they were just sold. I liked being a pawn in her humiliation scheme, If only she was selling her house when I walked in.