A quick stroll through the lobby and here we are at the walking trail of the tiki gardens. This trail led to the Tahitian Lanai and beach access. The pathway cut through two story bungalows on both sides of it, anyone who has been to Waikiki recently may appreciate the lush tropical atmosphere that seems so out of place there now among the high rises and concrete paradise. To the left is a camouflaged tiki in the foliage.

The first stop is this relaxing lava rock pond with tiki torch on the left. You haven’t lived until you seen this one in its full glory at night. This walk really comes alive after a few Mai Tais at the Tahitian Lanai under the stars.


A short walk ahead is the first of our friends by a lava wall. Most of the tikis in this garden are of the crude variety in war paint and looks like the were once telephone poles. I suppose it was to discourage theft since every time I asked to walk the garden I was never told no in the past. A koa wood tiki is a major investment.

Today this one can be seen at The Polo Inn carrying on the tradition.








To the left is the fellow from the earlier slide looking like he spends too much time at the Tahitian Lanai and will probably grab the tiki torch to keep from falling down. Faintly in the background you can see the bungalow and a chair on the patio.  A few feet ahead is yet another rough example.


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